Jasper Meadows Farm is family owned and operated.
We believe in and practice sustainable and biodynamic farming. Our solar panels provide the energy for our farm. We use the manure from our goats and fowl and food waste to nourish the soil for our fruit trees, bushes and vegetable gardens. Our conservation project of collecting rain water from our solar panels provides water for our animals and irrigation for our crops.
We provide organic eggs (chicken and duck) and poultry year round. Our eggs are hand gathered, washed, candled and packaged for the highest quality. Our poultry is processed with respect, gratitude and love.
We provide organic guinea hen eggs and organically fed & pasture raised goose eggs in season.
Our eggs and poultry are available on the farm and at the Ithaca Farmers Market.
Organic purple passion asparagus is available in the late spring through early summer. A variety of other organic garden vegetables are available through the growing season both on farm and at the Ithaca Farmers Market.
We raise ADGA and AGA registered Nigerian Goats and ADGA registered Nubian Goats.

We started Jasper Meadows Farm in 2015 and became a LLC in 2016. Our kids were through high school, and we looked for a location with acreage where we could start our homestead and retirement dream. We found our home and closed in October of 2015. The chickens arrived in November and our Great Pyrenees, Jasper, was born on 12/11/15. By spring of 2016, the start of our goat herd joined us on the farm and the first garden was planted. Over the next three years, we focused on achieving our Organic Certification for our eggs, poultry and produce. The Guinea Hens arrived, the Muscovy and Cayuga and Campbell Khaki Ducks arrived, and our beloved Sebastapol, Brown Chinese and Grey Lag Geese also arrived. We planted our asparagus bed (beautiful Purple Passion). We have been adding to our apple orchard each year and have Jonagold, Honeycrisp, Enterprise, and Yellow Delicious trees. We have added raspberries and blueberries and are anxiously awaiting their production. We look forward to expanding into our sugar bush and Walnut Grove in years to come.
Our raised beds were added in 2020 and our large, 3000 sq ft, garden took shape. We were able to offer Snap Peas, Green and Wax Beans, Beets, Carrots, Radishes, Broccoli, Delicata Squash, Okra, Tomatillos, Tomatoes (many varieties), Kale, Swiss Chard, Cucumbers, Zucchini, and Arugula in 2020. 2021 brought a very wet season and many of our crops failed. We were able to add ground cherries to our list of offerings and they were quite the hit. We added a high tunnel in 2024 and look forward to more consistant production available in 2025.
We can be found at the Ithaca Farmers Market on weekends throughout the seasons.
Many folks look forward to travel and relaxation in retirement - we look forward to providing our family and local community with the highest quality organic food.
Chuck and Madi